Things will happen Things will happen

Menschen durch Tiere

by Antonia Baehr

Based on the score upon which choreographer and artist Antonia Baehr’s performance “Abecedarium Bestiarium: Affinitäten in Tiermetaphern (Abecedarium Bestiarium: Affinity in Animal Metaphors)“ is built, ten Scenic Research students from Bochum’s Ruhr University create a zoo. A terrarium, an aquarium, a nest, steppe, hunting grounds, perhaps even a river or a number of beaches find their place at tanzhaus nrw. Under different circumstances, one may marvel at the multitude of human animals, how they screech, purr, float, scratch, hum, chat, sing, dance, stalk, stomp and build – and the audience may also wonder what this might reveal about the enigmatic relations between humans and animals.