

I started dancing Forró in Portugal in 2016. I attended various festivals and to enhance my technique and further broaden my knowledge and understanding about the origin and the development of this dance style I went to Brazil for a longer stay. Afterwards I started teaching regular classes in Berlin and giving workshops at various festivals as well as for professional dance companies.

I experience Forró – Brazil's most popular couple dance – as a very refreshing, creative and diverse dance style. Therefore I like to combine and share my knowledge from different dance disciplines. In addition to enjoying the movement, the music and the connection to a dance partner I focus on the technique and precision of the steps and posture in my classes. I cooperate with various dancers and institutions such as Cocoondance company, Forró da Colina, Tome Forró Berlin, Forró Miudinho, Acerola Culture, Getúlio Ramalho and Eduardo Lima.


↗ Vivendo bem
↗ Barulho bom
↗ Berimbau

Regular Classes

Outdoors under the roof next to Alte Nationalgalerie
(when you are in front of Alte Nationalgalerie, turn to the left pillar hallway, there we are at the end)
07.00 p.m. Intermediate
08.00 p.m. Beginner

Prinzenallee 58, 13359 Berlin
18.20h - 19.30h Intermediate II

Private classes (singles, couples, groups) and shows on request.

Follow me on Instagram ↗ for updates.
Contact: +49 (0)15737889466


My Contemporary Dance classes involve floorwork, upside down elements, dancing together, and enjoying the music we dance to. We will focus on using the hands and arms to find a connection to the partner and to the floor. We will explore the creativity of handstands, cartwheels and more acrobatic movements, aiming at accomplishing more freedom in our personal way of moving. From there the class will gradually develop into movement patterns that connect the single patterns into a flow. We will challenge our speed, articulation and stamina.


↗ Acrobatic Flow


During my studies in Dance I was introduced to the Pilates method on a very profound level which led into the completion of a POLESTAR Pilates mat training certification at Springs in Cologne. Since 2014 I have been teaching these beneficial movement principles with great passion. My focus is on mobilization, strengthening, coordination, breathing and body awareness. My repertoire includes the classic Pilates exercises according to Joseph Pilates as well as elements from Dance and Yoga. These influences make my classes a flowing full-body workout.

The training sessions may include various props such as balls, rings and rollers and can be addressed to both beginners as well as advanced participants. Through the years of teaching Pilates I have been working for various studios such as Springs, Neptunbad and Pusteblume in Cologne and KörperZeit, Tanzbasis and Volkshochschule Steglitz-Zehlendorf in Berlin. In the frame of corporate sports I have been teaching in companies such as Klosterfrau Healthcare Group, Nachbarschaftsheim Berlin – Schöneberg, Sauerbruch Hutton and Deutschlandfunk.

Regular Class


8.00 - 9.00 a.m. open level

Online classes as well as face-to-face classes, private and group sessions on request.

Contact: +49 (0)15737889466